True Launch Bar

True Launch Bar is a replacement for standard Quick Launch. It is like the quick launch bar but with many grouping and menu options, a variety of useful plugins, and some skinning abilities.
All functions presented in Quick Launch also are in True Launch Bar. The application allows you to combine your shortcuts in groups, improving the management of your shortcuts, and saving working space on your desktop. True Launch Bar fully supports the ability to drag and drop. Virtual Folders allow you to add any folder as menu and control it using the context menu.
True Paste

True Paste is an easy-to-use and reliable tool for storing and quick pasting of frequently used texts, site links, logins, passwords, etc.
Text Accelerator

Text Accelerator allow you to transform text or insert text chunks in any applications with 1-2 hotkeys. It is possible to write own modifiers in JavaScript or VBScript to process text in the way you need. Template syntax is pretty easy. Supported the syntax highlighting and auto-complete features to make the creating accelerators templates easier.
Free Launch Bar

Free Launch Bar is the Free version of True Launch Bar. Free Launch Bar have only the basic features of True Launch Bar, but it is powerful enough.
Metro Killer

Metro Killer disable the Windows 8 Metro User Interface, including new Windows 8 start menu and the Charms Bar.
Start Killer

This small utility removes the Start button from taskbar and gives you additional space.
Tordex Wheel

Tordex Wheel add the intelligence to the mouse wheel. By default when you roll the mouse wheel Windows roll the currently active window and ignore the mouse cursor position. WithTordex Wheel Windows roll the window under the mouse cursor. So You can scroll windows, lists etc. without activating them.
True Small Tools

A set of the useful free utilities. Some of these utilities you can use together with True Launch Bar or Free Launch Bar.
- CloseWin
- OpenRun
- PresStart
- Hotkey Search
- Folder Info